WSO Proposal 2025-8 – Name Change to Adult Children Anonymous 

Proposal 2025-8 – Name Change to Adult Children Anonymous 

Submitted by: CA1608 (Thousand Oaks, CA, USA) 

Issue: We propose that the descriptive name for ACA be simplified to ADULT CHILDREN ANONYMOUS. 

Background: By leaving our acronym the same (ACA), yet simplifying the descriptive title to “ADULT CHILDREN ANONYMOUS ” we would accomplish several objectives: 1.) PRIMARILY – It would allow for a more INCLUSIVE program offering to the community of suffering individuals whom we serve – many of whom might otherwise tune-out with the exclusionary name of “Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families”. (We’ve all experienced this when we begin to describe ACA to others – “Well, there are no alcoholics in my family.” Or “I had a good childhood…” 2.) It’s concise – easy to say and remember. 3.) Welcomes every potential newcomer, ALL Adult Children – coming from ANY 12-Step group; including those with zero Program participation. 4.) Invites curiosity and interest: A prospective newcomer hears the term Adult Children and asks “What is an adult child?” To which we respond: An adult child is someone whose actions and decisions as an adult are guided by childhood experiences grounded in self-doubt or fear.” (BRB p.302, paragraph 3) 5.) More EFFICIENT and COST EFFECTIVE – Does not require the re-reprinting of myriad collateral materials (new logo, workbooks, brochures, coins and medallions, stationary, answering-machine trees, etc.) – Seamlessly integrates with our existing website. 

Resources/Implementation: We’ve reached out to the name-study committee, – and received the following reply from the Chair of that study: “We have gone through two fellowship surveys with more than 11,000 responses and two town halls. The most popular name from the surveys was Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACAD). The 2024 Annual Business Conference (ABC) has approved sending this out to the groups for voting.” Further communications with the Ballot Prep Committee encouraged us to submit our group’s Ballot Proposal if our group strongly supported its inclusion – which was unanimous. Hence, this proposal. We feel that it better supports the Stated name-study purpose: “to develop a name for the fellowship that communicates inclusion for any adult child from a dysfunctional family regardless of the presence of alcohol in the home.” 

WSO Analysis: Factors to Consider: The Name Study Committee explored the name “Adult Children Anonymous” and reported their findings at the 2024 ABC. Regarding domain ownership: 

● The web domain is owned by a private individual. 

● The web domain is owned by the ACA World Service Organization (WSO). 

This proposal conflicts with what the 2024 ABC delegates have decided to date regarding a possible ACA name change. At the 2024 Annual Business Conference (ABC), delegates approved a motion (#2024-6) to submit to all ACA registered groups the proposal to change the fellowship’s functional name to “Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACAD),” which was the top choice from the Name Study Committee’s surveys. To implement this decision, the Board developed a Fellowship Group Voting process that was approved by the delegates following the Quarterly Delegate Meeting on December 7, 2024. The minority opinion on the “voting process” will be heard at the Quarterly Delegate Meeting on February 1st, 2025. If the delegates approve the process, we will move forward with the “Fellowship Wide Group Vote” on the ABC 2024-6 Motion on “Name Change.” An update will be added to the 2025 ABC agenda.

Reference Links:
Find References linked at the end of the proposal at the ‘clickable links to the Ballot’, at the Ballot Prep Committee webpage at

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