Approved at the April 19, 2021, and amended at the August 16, 2021 ACA SMR GC Business Meeting. Co-Treasurer option approved at the February 26, 2023 Elections Meeting.
Term: 6 months, with an option to renew once for an additional 6 months.
Accountable to the SMR Group Conscience Business Meeting, the Treasurer:
- Is familiar with the SMR Trusted Servants’ Commitment (the basics)
- Maintains the email address, – filing important documents, deleting the unimportant, answering questions, thanking donors
- Establishes systems for the flow of funding
- Keeps track of 7th Tradition donations
- Pays for services, such as the Zoom account, a website, group programs
- Acts as an administrator on website
- Sends excess funds to an Intergroup* and to the WSO, if applicable
- Reports to the monthly Group Conscience meeting members, posts reports
- Oversees the #treasury channel on the Slack workspace
- May establish a Finance Committee of interested members
- Initiates treasurer replacement process and trains replacement
- Remains available to the next Treasurer to answer questions
*If the meeting aligns with an Intergroup
- Two years in 12-step recovery; six months regular attendance at SMR
- Three months of service, in some form, for the SMR group
- Previous Treasurer position for another meeting, professional background with bookkeeping or knowledge, skills and experience from volunteering on the Finance Committee and payment software (e.g., PayPal, CashApp)
Suggested practices:
- As a new Treasurer, update the PayPal account with your contact information and link to your bank account
- Update the pertinent information associated with the treasury email address,
- Utilize the spreadsheet that was created, until a new form is needed
- Respond promptly to PayPal donations, sending a thank you, either utilizing a template or newly written
- Send disbursements to WSO at least quarterly, or sooner, when the cash on hand is twice the Prudent Reserve
- Increase the Prudent Reserve to reflect any new annual financial commitments
- Identify, train and recommend a person to take over the position