Approved at the August 16, 2021, and amended at the December 20, 2021, ACA SMR GC Business Meeting.
Term: 4-6 months, with an option to extend up to 12 months, 3-7 people share this position over the course of a week
Accountable to the ACA SMR Group Conscience Business Meeting, the Technical Host:
- Is familiar with the SMR Trusted Servants’ Commitment (the basics)
- Is responsible for logging into the Zoom account by 7:15 a.m. ETZ, admitting people to the meeting, setting up break-out rooms, confirming and assigning Room Hosts/Moderators and opening and closing breakout rooms
- Addresses technical and safety issues as needed
- Member of the Technical Committee
Helpful qualities:
- Knowledge of and skill in hosting virtual meetings using Zoom software
Best practices:
- Uses technical host training materials (ACA SMR Technical Host Training) to guide actions for permitting people to enter the meeting, assigning Room Hosts/Moderators and opening, closing and following the meeting
ACA SMR Technical Host Training