~Hosted by Fearless Souls – Adult Children in Recovery, ACA Intergroup 754
A Personal Invitation for You!

Workshop – The Complete Picture
March 21 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm EDT
Zoom info: 927.7560.4362 Passcode: LOVE
Dear ACA Fellow Traveler,
As spring stirs the earth to life, we too can awaken new insights and possibilities within. With this spirit of renewal, we invite you and your inner family to join us for our upcoming Workshop: “The Complete Picture.”
This workshop offers a nurturing space for healing and self-discovery. We will dive deep into the Drama Triangle and explore the dynamic relationships we have both with our inner family members and with others. As we move together through this journey, we will uncover ways to release old patterns and open ourselves to new opportunities for growth, healing, and connection. Just like the season of spring, this workshop aims to foster new growth in our personal and relational life.
More info @ https://acawso.org/calendar/the-complete-picture/ or https://www.acamorning.org/speaker-meeting-with-workshop
Please pre-register is required for this 3 hour workshop