Proposal 3 – Publish Introductory Book
SubmittedbyFL215, Ormond Beach, FL USA, CA1179, Encino, CA, USA, IA029, Davenport, IA, USA, VA092, Falls Church, VA, USA, PA076, Oaks, PA, USA
Issue: We propose that WSO develop an introductory guidebook (about 200 pages long) that focuses on the essential needs of ACA recovery, including for new ACA members, with a proposed publication date of no later than May 2027. This book would include a gentle framework for working ACA’s 12 Steps, discuss how the Steps interact with reparenting, and contain shares and perspectives that reflect ACA’s diverse global fellowship.
Background: Existing ACA literature is comprehensive, but the program’s essence is scattered over four textbooks totaling more than 1,300 pages. It can be overwhelming for members (especially newcomers) trying to practice the program. Many leave without fully understanding ACA’s healing message.
This proposal would create an introductory guidebook that can be understood by ACA members of all languages and cultures in their first two years of recovery. This book would use plain, gentle language. It would introduce the basics of ACA—steps, reparenting and essential recovery skills like boundaries and connecting with others. Practical tools and exercises would aid the reader.
A similar project was promised multiple times at the Annual Business Conference, starting with the 2018 WSO chair report. But it was never put to a Conference vote, and this has caused confusion within the Literature Committee. Approving this ballot proposal would enable delegates to set a clear mandate and publication deadline for ACA world service.
ACA currently has only a trifold and pamphlet for newcomers. Two other projects that originated outside WSO (the Ready Set Go workshop and the New Hope Beginners meeting format) help newcomers in group settings. But these projects cannot replace an introductory guidebook, which all ACA members can use on their own or while working with fellow travelers.
A strong introductory guidebook could literally be lifesaving for ACA members of all languages, backgrounds, and levels of recovery experience. It also could empower sponsors/fellow travelers and therapists to carry the message to those who still suffer.
Implementation/Resources: Numerous volunteers have shown their willingness and ability to develop an introductory guidebook focusing on essential ACA recovery skills, and extensive materials are in development. If WSO commits itself to prioritizing an introductory guidebook, as we hope the Annual Business Conference will support, the proposed literature can be completed on an expedited basis.
There is no significant financial cost associated with developing a specialized introductory guidebook. In fact, such a resource would likely bring new revenue to ACA WSO while better serving the global fellowship.
WSO Analysis:
We have heard from the fellowship for many years that there is a need for a concise introductory book that includes the ACA Twelve Steps, reparenting, and tools that can be used in working an ACA program and have been working toward that goal.
Factors to consider:
- Such a book would make translation around the world significantly easier and has the opportunity to include more diverse shares and experiences from the lived experience of our fellowship.
- The Literature Committee is currently working on implementing a motion on revising the BRB that was passed at the 2021 ABC: “We move that a new literature subcommittee begin planning a revised edition of the Big Red Book, with new testimonials and updated content, to be more inclusive of all experience of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion/spirituality, and a broader range of socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.”
- Additional volunteers will be required for this project if passed, and timelines will be dependent on resources.
- There are some workbooks that are being used for newcomers such as “A New Hope” and “Ready Set Go.” These books are scheduled to be published, however these do not provide the full scope this proposal is requesting.
Resources(for more background information)
Love the idea of bringing in a little more inclusivity, gender-neutral language, different cultural references. The LPG did a little of this, and it is noticeable and makes me smile that it might make someone who might otherwise identify as “other”, to feel a sense of belonging and safety. Also agree that an intro book is needed.
A “yes” vote to have a simple guide that includes all introductory material – will be helpful to anyone at an ‘overwhelm’ point in their lives, which most of us are when we arrive.