WSO Proposal 2025-1 – Group Contacts for Meeting Registrations

Proposal 2025-1 – Group Contacts for Meeting Registrations 

Submitted by: Region 2 (Greater Western USA), WEB381 (Arroyo Grande, CA, USA), CA915 (Arroyo Grande, CA, USA), TEL0341 

Issue: We propose that the meeting listing guidelines be changed to allow a single individual only to be the Public or one of the Primary Private Contacts for no more than four meeting registration numbers. We believe that implementing this system will help ensure that meetings are autonomous in accordance with the Traditions of ACA. 

Background: We are proposing to set a policy limiting meeting registration by one person as a Public and/or one of the Primary Private contacts to a maximum of four groups (meetings, Intergroups or Regions). Such a limit can help ensure that meetings are autonomous and rely on group conscience principles. The meeting registration and update forms now have a checkbox that asks the submitter to affirm they attend the meeting they are registering. Because the checkbox cannot guarantee this is true, we feel this proposal is a step toward better ensuring that meetings are represented by ACAs who attend those meetings. Giving service for a meeting is fundamental to our recovery in ACA. Our choice was to propose limiting one individual to register a maximum of four meetings. While many ACAs attend more than four meetings each week, we believe that other ACAs in those groups would benefit from fulfilling this service role and should be encouraged to do so. Registering meetings thus becomes a great opportunity for encouraging service. 

Resources/Implementation: We have spoken with the WSO IT team. A developer has already been hired to create a new meeting-registration software “plugin” — a piece of code that adds new functionality to the existing software program. If this proposal becomes a motion that is passed by the Delegates, the WSO IT staff sees no indication that this will require many additional work hours to implement. 

WSO Analysis: Factors to Consider: The submitters of this proposal met with the Information Technology (IT) Committee to determine whether their proposal could be implemented. As noted in the Resources/Implementation section, IT said this feature could be added. Although there will be an unbudgeted cost for the additional hours of work required, that cost appears to be manageable as part of the new “plugin” that’s referenced.

Reference Links:
Find References linked at the end of the proposal at the ‘clickable links to the Ballot’, at the Ballot Prep Committee webpage at

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