Proposal 10

Proposal 10-Change Tradition 4

Submitted by PA076, Oakes, Pennsylvania, USA

Issue:We propose that the last sentence of the Fourth Tradition be removed, which states: We cooperate with all other Twelve-Step programs.


  • To our knowledge, no other 12 Step program uses this language. It is also unclear what the intent was or why this sentence was added.
  • At the time this was written there were only a small handful of 12 Step, 12 Tradition, programs. Today in our research we find well over 50 other 12 Step programs, and more being formed all the time, and it is unclear whether they all follow the Traditions.
  • There is no explanation in our BRB or anywhere else of what the limits are of this cooperation with other 12 Steps programs.
  • We think this has the potential for being in conflict with Tradition Six about lending our name, as well as Tradition 10 and outside issues.
  • It may currently be used to validate questionable meeting resources, such as therapeutic techniques or the use of literature from other fellowships that could dilute the ACA message.

Implementation/Resources:If this proposal becomes a motion that gets passed by ABC Delegates, then Tradition Four will go through a process that includes getting approval by a certain percentage of ACA groups.

WSO Analysis:


We believe the reason this sentence is part of Tradition Four is so that the possibility is open for groups to cooperate with other Twelve-Step programs, for example at conferences that provide information on multiple 12 step programs. We are not aware of any instances that this last sentence has caused any issues.

Because the Traditions is a foundational document, it is advised that this change not be undertaken without full fellowship support and input, such as surveys, town halls, etc.


  • A change to this foundational document will require a new ad hoc committee/working group with volunteers to survey and gather input from the fellowship before creating an implementation plan for the next ABC.
  • Research and decisions will need to be made regarding the process for changing any foundational documents.
  • Need worldwide fellowship approval on significant document change.

2 thoughts on “Proposal 10

  1. BonnieLee says:

    A reason to keep the language the same is if we were invited to speak or represent ACA at an AA Convention or Function. In recent years there has been Inclusion of other 12 step fellowships to speak. This is a way that recovery is inclusive and options for further growth. For example Alanon and Alateen Speakers are often included. It would be an opportunity to spread the word and represent the ACA recovery to others who could benefit from this amazing program. Speakers would be vetted and would be representing us in a welcoming environment.

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