The vote on adopting this policy will be held Sunday, August 27th at 9 a.m. Eastern in our Zoom room. The agenda for this meeting will be posted as soon as it is finalized.

We ask you to read this document carefully and decide whether you can support it as is. Many hours have been spent crafting a policy that might work for our group. Subsequently, it went through group fellowship review on 08.20.23 and edits were made based on commentary. The policy may need to be revised from time to time as we see what works best in these situations, however, we ask you to come to the meeting with either a yes or no vote. We will hear discussion from both pro-policy and anti-policy members but we will not be amending this policy at the meeting. If it does not pass, it will go back into a rewrite with the working safety group and then a review by the entire membership with a re-vote coming later.

Thank you for being part of this process.