New Group Conscience Motions! Comments Till April 30

Online Comment Period Open

Your Voice Matters: Please share your comments (as many as you’d like!) until April 30th on two motions during the online commentary period.

Your Voice Matters: Make Your Thoughts Known!

From April 8th through April 30th, you have an opportunity to let the SMR fellowship know how you think and feel about two motions that will come up for online Group Conscience vote in early May.

Motion 24-2: Now that we’ve learned of the effectiveness of online polls for Group Conscience voting to gather maximum input from our worldwide fellowship, we would like to finalize the process to be followed by any member of our group who wishes to raise a motion for Group Conscience vote by polling.

Motion 24-3: A new motion to formalize the method for Group Conscience vote in a Zoom Business Meeting (the previous way of conducting Group Conscience votes), which could be used to conduct old and new business, more closely following Roberts Rules of Order (parliamentary procedure).

Since we are a large group with diverse attitudes, we are asking you to provide your comments on these motions. Once the commentary period concludes, we’ll take all guidance and the individuals who raised the motions will make any adjustments, then prepare for a Group Conscience vote in May.

Thank you for caring enough to provide your thoughts!