Motion 24 – 8: Town Hall gathering on Sunday, June 30, at 9am ET, focused on the concerns around group behaviors.

These are questions that arose during the Town Hall. The minutes will be posted soon. Please continue to add your comments about these issues.

  • How do people doing service get assistance when things go awry (referenced last minute call for GC at 7:28 AM ET)?
  • Is it possible to get an explanation when things have gone awry and we are coming back together (same reference as above)?
  • Issues around knowing what surveys/polls are active – how to be kept informed?
  • Is there a policy to name oneself when video is not on, instead of being named “iphone” or something like that?
  • Can survey results be given in the general announcements?
  • Can surveys be announced – both comments and decisions?
  • Can the disruptive (bullying) comments critical of service volunteers be curtailed in the aftermeeting?
  • Can there be more focus on trainings and engagement vs. creating policies?
  • Can the business meetings be recorded?
  • Can the survey results possibly be announced or discussed in the aftermeeting?
  • Can those interested form an engagement committee?
  • Can those service members who have differing perspectives bring them to the 24/7 meetings to discuss and hash out?
  • Can those who have individual differences just talk to each other?
  • Within the concept of unity, can we move to GCs with substantial unanimity vs 50%+1?
  • Can there be more consistency between the meeting and the aftermeeting?

Comments will remain open on this post.

Agenda for the meeting

ACA Town Hall Discussion Behavior Towards & By Trusted Servants: June 30, 2024


  1. [9 AM ET] Call to Order: The meeting will come to order. Welcome to the Group Conscience Meeting of the ACA Strengthening My Recovery on-line meeting. My name is Lisa, and I will be facilitating this meeting, along with the Safety Policy Study Group members who will co-chair this meeting, Jim R, Wendy, Vivienne and Rene.
  2. ACA Serenity Prayer:  Let’s open with a moment of silence, followed by our Serenity Prayer. [God (Higher Power) grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know that one is me.]
  3. Purpose of Meeting: During the recent elections, a fellow suggested she would not be willing at this time to do service because of the “brutality” of how those doing service are treated. This concern was tabled until the next business meeting, where it was discussed. A motion with a unanimous vote carried for a town hall to be held “to discuss thoughts, comments, issues and concerns about the treatment of/behavior toward (and by) those in service roles at this meeting.” It is our hope that in creating the space for a kind and gentle look at service here at ACA SMR, we can possibly resolve unresolved issues, begin healing any wounds, and gain greater unity and understanding as a fellowship, so that those in service and/or considering service would not expect to experience treatment by fellow trusted servants or fellows that would be characterized negatively. To carry forward the “kind and gentle space” from our daily meetings into our service at this meeting.
  4. General Guidelines:
    • To be called on to speak, please use the digital ‘raise hand’ function and the facilitator will call on you.
    • To ensure everyone has an opportunity to speak, shares are limited to two minutes, followed by a brief silence after each share to allow space to take the information in.
    • Do not interrupt anyone speaking, even with chats.
    • Please model emotional sobriety so as to avoid disruptions by 1) showing up as your best self, 2) tending to your inner children or reactive critical parent, 3) speaking when your loving parent is in charge, 4) remember, it is OK to disagree but not OK to be disrespectful.
    • Wait to do your second share until everyone has had an opportunity to share. (BRB 595)
    • It is requested that any complaints follow the honest expression format “When I observed ______, I feel/felt _____, because I need/needed ______, (optional request) “would you be willing to _____?” to help with better absorption of your thoughts.
  5. Commitments to Service and Traditions:
    • Our Health and Safety at this meeting is a shared responsibility. We are guided by the Steps, Traditions, Concepts and Commitment to Service.
    • First Tradition says, “Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on ACA unity.”
    • Commitments to Service remind us to 1) place principles before personalities, 2) be willing to forgive ourselves and others for not performing perfectly, 3) be mindful to not use service to act out old behavior, including taking care of others, controlling, being a victim, etc.
  6. Call for Service: For this meeting, may we have a volunteer Recording Secretary and Timekeeper:
    • Recording Secretary: 
    • Timekeeper: 
  7. [9:10 AM ET] Co-Chairs Share 2-Minute Comments
  8. [9:18 AM ET] Open Floor for Comments 
  9. [9:55 AM ET] Next Steps & Determine to Extend Meeting to 10:30
    1. Extend: Opposed? Abstained?
  10. [9:55 AM ET to 10:30 AM ET] Adjournment and Closing Prayer May I have a motion to adjourn this meeting? Second? All in favor, say Aye.

The meeting is adjourned at … [____]

Would you please help me close this meeting with a moment of silence followed by the ACA Serenity Prayer[God (Higher Power) grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know that one is me.]

12 thoughts on “Motion 24 – 8: Town Hall gathering on Sunday, June 30, at 9am ET, focused on the concerns around group behaviors.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I for one am deeply grateful for the structure of this meeting and for anyone generous enough with their time and energy to step up and play a role in making it happen. I hope the trusted servants feel my appreciation. Getting criticized for doing a volunteer job reminds me of the satirical observation that “no good deed goes unpunished.”

  2. Fellow Traveler says:

    Thank you for bringing such a sensitive topic to us all for town hall discussion. I wonder has kindness and gentleness really left our meeting? It seems so simple to ask that others apply compassion, kindness, and consideration towards those who are in a service position. Here is a gentle reminder that these are ALL unpaid service positions or volunteers who give their time and energy to provide a safe place for all to meet. It is so much to ask – to ask that we be kind and gentle to our trusted servants? Even in the after meetings? Does kindness really matter here at SMR?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, I see the motion more clearly, I understand now! Definitely I’d like to see a town hall meeting on this issue.

  4. Cori Now says:

    I would like this specific Motion #24 —- plus discussion of all the leadership issues of the ACA Morning Fellowship be made more accessible to the meeting attendees.
    For this to happen:
    I propose that the daily meeting script be amended to include announcing
    the days and times of:
    🔹the regularly scheduled business format discussion group meetings
    🔹the regularly scheduled business meetings

    Thank you for providing this opportunity to comment🌷

  5. Cori Now says:

    Thanks so much for providing this posting op😊

    I’d like to propose that the daily meeting script regularly include
    announcing the days and times of
    * Business Meetings
    * Business Meeting Format Discussion

  6. Anonymous says:

    I think it’s a good idea and I think ACA WSO is discussing having a group inventory with guidelines or questions similar to what Al-Anon has so that the Traditions and Concepts (paramount in providing the guiding principles for service (the third legacy). Not sure I will be able to attend but thanks to all who step up so as to keep “a candle in the window.” It can most certainly be challenging.

  7. Anonymous says:

    My concern with the Town Hall as stated above is that the phrasing is nebulous; I am unclear as to what “concerns around group behaviors” means – that is open to interpretation and will be responded to based on the experience of each person. That is to be expected, but from the phrasing am not clear on what will be discussed and specifically why.

  8. Billie says:

    There are 2 people that routinely make disparaging comments.
    One does it in open shares. Regularly. It feels confusing and hurtful.
    Another does it in private chat. This feels like a license to be a bully in private.
    I was thinking of a pre planned statement we could all use.
    Something like:
    Please discuss your concerns with your sponsor and service team.
    Repeat the: hold gentle space or no cross talk statements.
    Thanks to all who help out so much and are working hard to make things better.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I think this is super important so that everyone feels safe in our meetings especially those willing to lead in front of this many people!

    Are the general guidelines listed above already part of the script or what is suggested for discussion at the town hall?

    If they are new general guidelines, the use of emotional sobriety, inner loving parent, and critical parent might be hard for newcomers to understand as these terms have been hard for me to fully grasp until the last 6 months and I have been in ACA for a little over 2 years. Are there different ways we could word that to meet the needs of all members?

    Additionally, when I hear “speaking when your loving parent is in charge” it makes me think that I can’t share when I am struggling which is when I might need it most. Could the guideline of only using I statements be used in place of this or in combination?

  10. Morgan says:

    I think it’s important to recognize the tradition principles over personalities. Each of us as ACA’s have had experiences of having our voice not matter. Those who have experienced feeling shut down and ostracized in our group leadership meetings they should have the freedom and support to be heard.

    If you decide to limit the after meeting shares for those who are experiencing challenges with service members then I hope there will be a forum for those folks to be heard – perhaps a monthly town hall in the after meeting.

    I worry that leadership positions become like a clique and that those who dissent are pushed out. I am grateful for those who step up AND we should have the freedom to express issues because our traditions state that service leaders are not authority figures; this motion is teetering on placing authority figures attempting to silence dissent.

    1. Lisa M (FL) says:

      Hi Morgan,

      I think there is a question about following the same guidelines in the aftermeeting as in the regular meeting (no crosstalk, etc), but I did not hear anyone suggest that the aftermeeting shares should be limited to those doing service or experiencing issues with those doing service. It was just this single Townhall that had that focus.

      But I do like your idea of an open Townhall on a regular basis – I’ve heard of a ‘group inventory’ type of Townhall where all aspects of the meeting are discussed – and that is what came to mind when I read your comments.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Thanks to all of our Leaders. Yes we have Leaders, they are but Trusted Servants, they do not govern. Thanks to all who Lead through trusted service positions.
    The only time I can remember the use of teams in 12 Tradition fellowships has been in Golf & Baseball tournaments, etc, where there is a competition. Team is defined as a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. It’s made its way into the workplace where there are clear authority figures and seems appropriate there. It may also be appropriate in the WSO service area, by those operating on the business side of our affairs. In 12 Tradition groups, the Trusted Servants have clear duties and responsibilities to serve the group as requested by the group by a group conscience. Our 12 Concepts give these leaders great latitude in carrying out clearly defined objectives. However, simply holding a group service position does not entitle one to be on a Service Team or board that has any power to do anything that is not a directive of a group conscience. I would like to see us avoid the use of Service Team unless it has been approved by the group as a steering committee comprised of specific trusted service positions and given specific service task to perform for the group approved by the group in a group conscience where people are allowed to freely speak their opinions. I believe every effort to avoid US vs. THEM mentality which is prevalent in so many service areas of 12 Tradition fellowships and not just groups either. Thanks for allowing me to be heard.

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