Motion 24 – 4: Names and Images information in the Daily Script

The motion was adopted.

There were 26 votes with 4 No votes and 22 Yes votes which is 85% yes.

Votes were tallied June 5th, 2024. The measure can be revisited March, 2025.

This motion is being recommended by the Safety Policy Study Group (formerly Safety Working Group)

Issue:  We move that the Names and Images Guidelines language be included in the daily SMR meeting script, as approved by Group Conscience.

Now, Offer Your Vote!The polling will be open until June 4th.

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That the names and images guidelines be included in the daily script as currently written.
If the motion does not pass, would it be worthwhile to have a Town Hall type discussion of the issue?

Background:  As reported by the SWG chairperson at the March Business meeting, the Names and Images Guidelines were approved by online voting in February, 2024.

The actual Guidelines statement may be found here: Section 2a of those guidelines state that: Names and Images guideline will be added to the opening script.

On March 10, after multiple edits in the Study Group meeting, the Safety Policy Study Group added language to the script and posted the new script to the website. as per the group conscience.

The new statement was added to the opening of the GROUP COMFORT RULES and GUIDELINES, and reads:

“Creating safety and comfort in our meeting is a responsibility we share. So, together we ask: 

  • You uphold the group conscience and Tradition 10 – that your background image, avatar and display name reflect no opinion on outside interests.

Inclusion of language into the script has been voted on and approved. The actual language was worked out ‘in committee’. Review of the policy is set for December 2024.

Please offer comments below—pro or con, questions or suggestions or personal experience. The comments will comprise our discussion of the issue and will include any type of Minority Opinion. If the motion has not been seconded already in the comments, please note if you would second this motion. The comment period will be open for 3 weeks. Return to the Business Meeting Practices page for additional clarity.

Comments close on – May 18th.

Thank you for participating in reaching a Group Conscience. (NOTE: It may take a day or two for your comments to appear on the webpage.)

8 thoughts on “Motion 24 – 4: Names and Images information in the Daily Script

  1. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think this is necessary. who then polices this. Do people get removed automatically?

    1. Lisa M (FL) says:

      Hi, the link to the policy is above if you wanted to read through it… In a nutshell, it is self-enforcing, meaning there will be no ‘official action’ to police anyone that chooses not to be mindful of how they present themselves.

  2. Jim R says:

    The policy has been adopted by the group. There may be a question about the language in the script. I wonder if the statement could be edited…
    That your display name, background images and avatar reflect no opinion on outside interests, in keeping with Tradition 10.

  3. Lisa M (FL) says:

    Jim, I like that too – it seems equally as benign. I also like it as it is…

  4. Anonymous says:

    Both statements are good, and I have a preference for Jim’s suggestion. It says the same thing and feels a bit more gentle somehow.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the hard work of everyone on the Safety Policy Study Group!

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