Motion 24–11: Personal Safety Pages

The Motion has been Adopted.

The motion received 95% approval. There were 24 votes – Yes: 23, No: 1.

The option of a Town Hall discussion is not considered since the motion has passed.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the decision.

Motion: The Safety Policy Study Group is proposing we add two pages to the Safety section of our website, Do You Need to Calm Your Nervous System? and Personal Safety Suggestions.

Background: For the past six months, the Safety Policy Study Group has been working to create a document that might be of use for members who find themselves in a situation where they feel uncomfortable, but not sure if they are unsafe, having become agitated either before, during, or after our meeting. Our desire was to offer a path to balance as well as a set of steps someone might take to resolve issues that arise and come to resolution with a sense of strength and empowerment, rather than victimhood and neediness. We presented our first draft on the website and asked for comments. We then held a town hall and took the opinions of those present into account to create these two pages. Do You Need to Calm Your Nervous System? contains a couple of exercises that can be helpful at the moment of agitation. The Personal Safety Suggestions is a longer document with more resources that can be used at any time.

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Motion to add two pages to the Safety section of our website.
If the motion does not pass, would it be worthwhile to have a Town Hall type discussion of the issue?

3 thoughts on “Motion 24–11: Personal Safety Pages

  1. Tracey H. says:

    I think these are excellent protocols for safety in our meetings keeping the focus on ourselves with self-care, and also outlines steps if there are actions that indicate targeting harassment. Thank you, Safety Committee for all the research and work you have done here! There was obviously a tremendous amount of thought, time, and work put into these documents. It focuses less on control in our meeting and more on personal empowerment and recovery. Thank you!

  2. Jim R says:

    Beautifully composed.
    These documents may not only help our members, but also the larger ACA worldwide fellowship.
    Thanks for your service.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for caring so much about your fellow travelers that this fellowship chose to have this set of guidelines developed. Very helpful and very appreciated!

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