Key Holder (Weekday or Weekend) and Back-up Key Holder*

DRAFT v1.4 2021 08 24 COMMENT PERIOD: OCTOBER 28, 2021 TO NOVEMBER 3, 2021

Term: One month, with an option to extend one month


Accountable to the Group Conscience Business Meeting, the Key Holder:

  • Is familiar with Common Elements SMR Service
  • Logs into Zoom account as Host by 7:10 a.m.
  • Admits participants from the Waiting Room until the Technical Host arrives
  • Transfers Zoom Host to the Technical Host when the Zoom Host arrives
  • IMPORTANT: Logs out of Zoom account when tasks are complete

Helpful Qualities:

  • Good observational and time-management skills
  • Working knowledge of Zoom software

Best practices:

  • Ensures the Back-up Key Holder and the Service Team has their contact information, e.g., phone number to which messages can be sent
  • Lets the Back-up Key Holder know in a timely way if they unable to perform service

*The Back-up Key Holder is an experienced Key Holder who at 7:11, if the room is not opened, reaches out to the Key Holder to offer support. If Key Holder does not respond or needs help, the Back-up Key Holder performs the tasks above.

2 thoughts on “Key Holder (Weekday or Weekend) and Back-up Key Holder*

  1. Krista says:

    I began service to SMR as a primary weekend keyholder. I was then weekday primary for a month and finally weekday backup for two months. I was attracted initially to the fact that it is a gentle way of coming in to service, just as Barbara S. described it. I received thorough training from Barbara S. before I started the position, and Barbara S. was reliably present to support the keyholders whether she was back-up or not. However, if we have to beg for people to fill this position or if the keyholder’s service is unreliable (no-shows, no back-ups, technical issues, etc.), the keyholder position becomes a detriment to the meeting and interferes with the Tech Host’s duties in my opinion. I think it is a position that was once nice but is no longer necessary.

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