If you are experiencing uncomfortable sensations accompanying fear, anxiety, or excitement, we offer these quick techniques to help bring your body to a more regulated state.
Try Pursed Lip Breathing
Exhale slowly through your pursed lips as if you are blowing air through a straw. Exhale as completely as is comfortable, then inhale deeply through your nose. It may take three or more times for your body to begin to relax. Notice the sensations of that happening.
Nurture Yourself Through Touch (from The Loving Parent Guidebook, page 131)
Eyes can be open or closed. Try out each option for a few moments. And soothing sounds (humming, vowel sounds, “there, there) if you wish. Notice any physical sensations or other signals you get from within. Try gently laying your hand(s) on a part of your body that calls to you. That might be a hand, or both, over your heart or on your face or cheek. It might be a hand or both hands on your belly or a hand on your heart and the other on your belly. You might find it nurturing to sit with both hands together in front of you in “prayer postition.” Listen deeply to your body. Be patient.