Results from the Contact List Poll

The Contact List Poll results are below, and recommendations will be brought to a future business meeting.

For background, we currently have over 700+ contacts in our list, yet 200+ people in our daily meeting. Many newcomers join weekly, and some fellows move on.

Also, maintaining our Contact List is a manual process – not an automated database, so it’s currently only updated about once a month.

We requested your input on ways to maximize the Contact List experience; or simply offer new ideas to help our fellows connect, even if that means a different method than maintaining a Contact List.

Our Contact List Poll was open December 21, 2023 and closed February 28, 2024. Here are the results:

One thought on “Results from the Contact List Poll

  1. Franceil says:

    I would suggest a WhatsApp group that members can join or leave on their own and we can request sponsorship names and post meetings etc. I am with several other groups that utilize this method.

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