by Pete Walker
“Pete specializes in helping adults who were traumatized in childhood, especially those whose repeated exposure to abuse/and or neglect left them with the symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [Cptsd]. From Surviving to Thriving is a comprehensive user-friendly guide to recovering from the lingering effects of childhood trauma. It is an overview of the tasks of recovering, and an illumination of the silver linings that come out of effective recovery work. It contains a great many practical tools and techniques for recovering from Cptsd. It is also copiously illustrated with examples of his own and others’ journeys of recovering”
I was introduced to this from a fellow traveller whose therapist recommended it, and she was talking about how much this book was resonating and speaking to her. I decided to pick it up and I’m grateful I did. Written in clear, understandable language – I’m not far into it and I have already had two big aha moments and things that have been affecting me very negatively for years have started to make sense and start a positive and empowering shift inside me. It almost seems as though the author is an ACA himself based on some of the insights he shares – I have no idea if he is or not but I would recommend this book for anyone interested in healing from the effects of childhood trauma – of course not just physical or sexual abuse but emotional abuse and how deeply damaging it is for a developing child when they are continuously exposed to contempt: the toxic cocktail of verbal and emotional abuse as they are plaintively calling for attachment and connection. “Before long the child gives up on seeking any kind of help or connection at all. The child’s bid for bonding and acceptance is thwarted and they are left to suffer in the frightened despair of abandonment.”
Submitted by Conrad J.