Approved at the December 20, 2021, ACA SMR GC Business Meeting.
Term: 12 month term, with one renewal term (begins in June, after the April Annual Business Conference)
Accountable to the SMR Group Conscience Business Meeting, the WSO Representative:
- Is familiar with the SMR Trusted Servants’ Commitment (the basics)
- Attends the monthly WSO Board of Trustees business teleconference (2nd Saturday of the month, 2 pm EST (or listens to recording); questions may be asked of the Board at the end of the teleconference
- Reports on WSO activities to the SMR members; distributes information to the group, including but not limited to ongoing WSO committee work, volunteer needs and opportunities
- Brings questions and suggestions from the group to WSO, via appropriate communication channels
- Guides the ABC Proposal process
- Becomes familiar with the WSO websites and
- Becomes familiar with the ACA publications The Traveler ( and The ComLine (
- May be chosen as the group’s delegate to the WSO ABC (about 3 days in length)
- The WSO Representative may be supported by an alternate representative
Helpful Qualities:
- Some familiarity or experience with the WSO or an Intergroup may be beneficial
Best practices:
- Works with the ABC Delegate (if another person) to guide the proposal process
- Submits the monthly WSO Rep report on the website