From the author’s website.
Self-Parenting is about freeing you inner child and releasing the voice of your Higher Parent, about accepting and nurturing yourself. The promise of self-parenting is that you will be able to live in the present and leave the past behind and learn to unconditionally love yourself. Based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 Steps to Self-Parenting, provided for you above, is about granting yourself a second change to parent the child within. It is about learning to nurture yourself through self-forgiveness.It is about letting God in your life and learning to reach out for love. It is about letting go the baggage of the past healing olds wounds, and learning how not to recreate these painful patterns in your present. It is about allowing your inner child to be spontaneous, joyful, alive, free. It is about allowing your Higher Parent to guide you with you inner wisdom.
It is about learning to joining your Higher Parent and inner child in a healthy manner, making true intimacy with other possible, allowing you to break the bonds of isolation and compulsive or co-dependent behavior. It is about learning through healthy self-parenting to use our Higher Parent as a beacon of light to guide us through the storms and dark times, while your inner child releases the healing energy of love and makes it available to you and those around you.
All of these constitute the total process of recovery. Self-parenting is about the long road home — the road from loneliness and self-doubt, to self-validation, unconditional self-love and intimacy. The road from the pain of the past to the joy, unconditional self-love and fullness of the present.