SMR Trusted Servants’ Commitment (the basics)

Approved at the April 19, 2021, and amended at the December 20, 2021, ACA SMR GC Business Meeting.

Simply attending, listening, sharing and reading are all forms of service to our meeting. The following applies to service in scheduled roles:


  • We adhere to the ACA’s Traditions, Concepts and Suggested Commitment to Service
  • Notify the Service Team of end of service
  • Provide the incoming trusted servant with the information
  • Be located in a quiet space to avoid distractions
  • Use headphones and turn off video in shared spaces (anonymity)

Service Essentials:

  • At least six weeks in ACA
  • Regularly attend ACA SMR meetings
  • Trained for the trusted servant position
  • Works as a team with other trusted servants, particularly if the duties/responsibilities of the position are formally shared, e.g., co-secretaries
  • Opportunities to volunteer for trusted servant positions to be made known to the group
  • Trusted servants are invited to do service in the order that they volunteer
  • Access to reliable internet
  • Adheres to a service position’s term of service, and rotates out at the end of that term to ensure healthy rotation of service
  • Willing to share knowledge gained in training and experience with others interested in performing service
  • For persons serving as elected officers:
    • Good observational, listening, oral and written communication, and time-management skills
    • Strong self-regulation and self-monitoring, being mindful of the distinction between performing service, controlling, and people-pleasing
    • Ability to lead, collaborate with others to identify and define issues, explore options for resolving them, and implement solutions
    • Works with other group trusted servants, for the betterment of the group

2 thoughts on “SMR Trusted Servants’ Commitment (the basics)

  1. Caitlyn says:

    Breakout room hosts being called leaders is not conducive to trust, a primary concern in ACOA. We have specialists, we have moderators, but to have “leaders” is to hand a preconceived notion of authority to one over others.

  2. Rene says:

    I would like something to be said about holding a safe space or creating conditions for safety. Then describe what that means. Maybe something as simple as following the guidelines or practicing listening or keeping it simple. I think it’s a bigger discussion.

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