by Karen O.
I only joined ACA in October of 2020 but I have been so changed already. I have spent the last 10+ years in another 12-step program that saved my life; after 10 years however, something was missing. My therapist suggested I check out the Laundry List. I Googled it and bawled reading through the whole thing. I identified with 14 out of 14 ACA Traits. I began attending ACAMorning because of insomnia (I live on the West Coast) now it’s a habit. I wake at 3:30am every morning looking forward to this meeting. I am on board to take my sobriety to the next level. It is great to have a meeting that is the same everyday. I don’t exactly like to think at 4:15am. So, a meditation meeting fits in real well. I start my day with a new message. Thank God for you all and Thanks to anyone that attends, shares, serves, chats– it’s just perfect 🙂