A New Set of Meditation Slides

Following the motion that was passed on December 21st (Motion 24-13), these slides have been submitted for consideration as our new choices of meditation images. Included are the current slides which our members may want to retain.

We will be looking for the 4 most popular images. Given that we are choosing from a large pool of submissions, we may have to have two rounds of voting to find clear preferences.

Please choose 4 of the slides below. Just click on the slide to choose… if you change your mind, click again to ‘un-choose’. When you’ve made your selections, submit.

Choose your favorite images. Some slides were submitted without text and stock text was applied. If those images are selected, the text will be edited for size, font and color. Thank you for participating.


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Choose up to 4 slides
Name – please include your first name and last initial

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